Terms of Use

Our terms are fairly simple:


  1.  You may use our database to create any applications including for commercial purposes, as long as it does not violate honor, copyrights, or any other law both from Coworking Map and from the authorized spaces to which you’ll have access to.
  2. The trademarks, pictures and any other information from the registered spaces are under their respective responsibilities, and may be copyrighted.
  3. You cannot, under any circumstance,  share your API access information (username, password, token, or any other information) to any third parties, publicly or privately.
  4. You cannot use your access to our API to copy our data, either manually or through bots. You may, however, keep a local copy of all space’s information whenever those are obtained organically through requests from real people from your application.
  5. Despite our efforts into updating our database constantly, we do not offer any guarantees regarding the veracity of the information. Both with the Standard or the Professional licenses, the data is sent anonymously across the world, and it may be false or outdated. We do our best to identify those cases and remove them from the platform, however we are not responsible for the data provided by the spaces.
  6. It is strictly prohibited to disclose data obtained from our API to third parties, either free or commercially. You may use the data to build your own application even for commercial purposes, as long as the information is treated individually. In other words, you cannot provide or resell our database as a product, with the purpose of offering raw data instead of creating something out of it.
  7. We reserve the right to conduct any sort of update to the database, to the technology used for the API, to how the API must be used, to the provided data, to the amount of requisitions requested, and to any other aspects of our API, without any previous notice or obligation to keep all versions backwards compatible. However, we will do our best to avoid any of the above scenarios, and we will notify any changes to the API’s structure.
  8. We reserve the right to block your access to the API if we believe you’re violating any of the clauses of our terms of use.
  9. Despite our effort to provide API support, we do not offer this service – except in cases with an additional contract – and you must be technically and technologically capable of building your integration on your own.  You declare to be aware that a qualified professional is required in order to use our API, and we do not offer any kind of training.
  10. We reserve the right to change the terms of use at any moment, without further notice and with immediate effect, possibly removing or including new rights or duties on our part or the users of the API.


Thank you for reading our terms of use, and if you agree, you may request access to the API through this link.

Coworking Map Team