Coworking Space in Canet de Fals, Spain


Diagonal237 is a technological TIC coworking space where we help coworkers to networking as much as posible between them. We have our own datacenter where we can host and house websites of programmers and third parties. We, consequently, have a very fast and wide internet connection helping developers to easy work with their customers. We are both coworking and business center as some of our customer wnat to work in a separate space but be connected with community. Please, visit www.diagonal237.com website or make a virtual visit clicking on that link: https://www.google.es/maps/@41.401815,2.181453,3a,75y,153.54h,91.93t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1s3l3EK8Fk0qwAAAQXRfPV6g!2e0!3e2
See you soon!!

Address: Diagonal, 237, 08013 Barcelona, EspaƱa


Plans & Pricing

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